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Universities, R&D Groups and Academic Networks

HEALTHINF is a unique forum for universities, research groups and research projects to present their research and scientific results, be it by presenting a paper, hosting a tutorial or instructional course or demonstrating its research products in demo sessions, by contributing towards panels and discussions in the event's field of interest or by presenting their project, be it by setting up an exhibition booth, by being profiled in the event's web presence or printed materials or by suggesting keynote speakers or specific thematic sessions.

Special conditions are also available for Research Projects which wish to hold meetings at INSTICC events.

Current Academic Partners:

Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute

The Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (Madeira-ITI) is a not-for-profit innovation of the University of Madeira, founded by the University of MadeiraMadeira Tecnopolo, and Carnegie Mellon University. The institute was created in December 2009 in order to provide a home for the numerous collaborations between these partners, in both research and education.

The work of the institute concentrates primarily on innovation in the areas of computer science, human-computer interaction, and entertainment technology.

Since 2011, M-ITI has been part of the Laboratory of Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science (LARSyS), an association of six R&D units representing four universities in Portugal: Instituto Superior TécnicoUniversidade de LisboaUniversidade dos Açores and Universidade da Madeira.
